Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Board of Ed to Honor Mr. Jim at April Meeting!

The Pleasantdale Board of Education has decided to honor Mr. Jim Lucarelli for his outstanding service to the district at the April 20th board meeting at 7 p.m.

Mr. Jim has been with the district for over 14 years. He is passionate about the middle school children, spending his own money to buy them ice cream and treats on their birthday. Mr. Jim is also a super fan - attending middle school sporting events as well as students' non-school sponsored sporting activities on the weekends. Mr. Jim is a true inspiration to Pleasantdale's students. Many return to Pleasantdale years after graduating, so they can visit with him . During the February blizzard, Mr. Jim walked to school, (because his car was snowed in), to get a jump start on snow removal. His dedication to our district is unparalleled!

Please come out to the board meeting on Wednesday, April 20 to help honor Mr. Jim. Visitors can leave before the remainder of the meeting gets underway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Jim is the BEST! He should be the new social worker.