Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pleasantdale Receives Award!

There is no doubt, that among public schools in Illinois, Pleasantdale is among the best. The District recently received an award from the Illinois School Board for having 90% or more of its students rated proficient or better on the STATE reading test. Let’s take a moment to congratulate ourselves on making progress. GREAT!

Let’s take another moment to put that award in a big-picture perspective. Among the 29 developed countries that comprise OECD (http://www.pisa.oecd.org/ ) the United States ranks 15th for reading performance – at the middle of the pack. Among the 50 states, the State of Illinois ranks 28th in reading as measured by the NAEP test (http://nces.ed.gov/) – again what I’d call middle of the road performance.

So, call me a ‘glass is half-empty’ type of person if you must, but doesn’t that perspective make it seem like the district was given an award for being at the top of the bottom-half of the heap? By the way, reading is our high-point, our international and national math and science comparison scores are even worse.

My point here is not to denigrate the progress the district has made over the last 5 years, it’s to point out that we cannot declare victory too soon. Much progress still needs to be made. This progress requires change – NOT STATUS QUO and not a rubber stamp school board.


Anonymous said...

The above post just goes to prove there is nothing that our students, teacher, and administration can do to please certain people. I am sure the teachers that work so diligently to help educate and prepare our students would take your comments as a slap in the face.
You stated at the end of your post that you didn't want to "denigrate" the progress of the district, but isn't that exactly what you did? In regards to the "glass being half empty", shouldn't we look at it as "half full"? Our children have made great strides in the classroom. Receiving this award based on their accomplishments should make all of us proud. I think we need to focus on what every student and teacher has accomplished instead of criticizing them and focusing on the negative.

Anonymous said...

With my last child graduating this spring, I have witnessed the value that Leandra Sedlack has brought to this school district over the years. She has truly improved the board processes since she was elected to the School Board several years ago. She, along with Patti Essig, and Mark Mirabile have been such an asset. Since Karen O'Halloran has been in and around this school district for many years, I have every confidence that she knows how things work and that she knows what the district needs to improve upon and also has an inkling about how she might go about this. I truly feel that she does not have a personal agenda. She just has a great interest in the children and the education that they deserve. Often times, it's not the candidates educational/work credentials that makes them successful on the board, just their passion and the time they have spent in and around our school over the years! Leandra, Patti, Mark, and Karen have spent numerous, gads, and gazillions of hours at our school and definately have that passion. These four folks have my vote!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Our students and teachers work hard and are making progress. We need to continue to implement programs that are successful in helping the 'each' and the 'all' as specified in the district's mission statement to succeed. We are good, we need to continue to innovate and improve especially at the 'ends' (those students under-performing and those in the high-acheiving range) to become great. Half-full is only half-way to our potential.

You seem to disagree with my post - how do you see us moving forward? What changes do you support? If none - then does that mean you are satisfied with half-full?