Thursday, October 20, 2011

Local News

Burr Ridge Patch

By Dennis Jacobs
Board reviews electronic board communication rules
Board President Leandra Sedlack led a discussion of the proper use of email by board members, particularly as it relates to the Open Meetings Act. Without getting into specifics, she said she was directing the board’s attention to the topic as the result of an email she received from another board member prior to a meeting a couple months ago, which she said included opinions.
“It was my decision not to pass them on [to all board members],” Sedlack said, “and yet they were disseminated by an individual board member.”
Sedlack did not name the board member in question, but it soon became clear it was Gina Scaletta-Nelson, who defended her action, saying she did not feel it was a violation of board policy.
“If I’m referring to our Bible, so to speak, you can’t really fault me,” she said. “Before I sent it out, I called the attorney general’s office. … I talked to John Schmidt. I said, ‘I want to make sure I am doing the right thing. I don’t want to be in any violation of any meetings act or anything like that. This is what I intend to do.’ He listened to me and he said, ‘That is fine as long as you’re pushing out [information] and it’s not a discussion.’”
Also at issue was an email sent by a board member advising that she would be unable to attend a meeting. Again, Sedlack did not identify the board member by name, but Karen O’Halloran volunteered it was her.
O’Halloran took exception to the open discussion of the emails.
“I feel like this is the public spanking session,” she said.
She reiterated her concerns later during a board discussion of amendments to board protocols, successfully arguing against censure of board members in public meetings.


Anonymous said...

I was at the board meeting and I have to say that I was mortified when I saw how our board president and superintendent decided to burn 2 board members at the stake for emailing. They hide behind these protocols and procedures - but then when questioned, like yesterday, it is obvious that the 2 board members did nothing wrong. The lack of respect that Dr. Fredisdorf shows these to members is absolutely disgusting - he rolls his eyes when questions are asked, he is incredibly short and often won't even give a verbal response - like they are beneath him. I think he is forgetting who he works for. We need a change - maybe a new superintendent would help!

Anonymous said...

I have also seen what you are talking about, it seems like the board is against 2 members - I thought their job was to work together to move our district forward? Maybe they should all take a class in how to work as a team.

I'm wondering why the board president has the power to screen emails intended for the whole board? She is equal to every other member on that board. Can we say censorship?

Bill O'Reilly said...

I come on here regularly and feel as strongly about some of these things as a lot of you do. What concerns me is that there are only a handful or less of people who come to the Board Meetings. It is the same people all of the time. I would much rather be at home with my family, but I feel very passionate about the school and the decisions being made. I am as frustrated as a lot of you, but you need to voice your concern at meetings also. I have hope that eventually they will listen. To the Board Members asking questions and making Administration accountable - keep it up - you have a lot of people in your corner. Your hard work does not go unnoticed.

Barbara Riley said...

Why in God's name does Leandra Sedlack get to make all the decisions for this board? You people need to wake up and smell the coffee and realize that you are six elected officials with equal footing. No one board member should have as much power as she person does. You were all elected equally and as board president she is merely a meeting facilitator, not the sole decision maker! Get with the program people and start waking up!