Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sad Day

On Friday afternoon district families were given that stunning news that the board of education voted to return ousted member Rick Rigley to the board.

The vote, which took place in open session, was four against two. Board members Gina Scaletta-Nelson and Karen O'Halloran cast the two dissenting votes.

We encourage you to share your thoughts and comments with us on this board appointment.


Bill O'Reilly said...

I think it takes a lot of kahunas to want to be in a Board seat that you were voted out of. I didn't vote for Mr. Rigley because of his involvement with contract negotiations, I did not vote for him because he came off as extremely arrogant at the candidate forum. To not replace Ms. Essig with the next vote getter, Mr. Gilman, is an fu to Mr. Gilman and to the residents who voted for him.

Anonymous said...

The process of filling the open Board seat should be done in open session. Candidate information forms should be posted on the District website and the interviews should be done in open session so the community can be present if they wish. This should not be a secretive process as the Board make-up affects all of us. If not for a resignation from the Board, this would be a democratic election which is what our government is based upon.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gillman, you were the choice of the community and you should be confident in that fact. Shame on the Board for making those other candidates jump through hoops and think they stood a chance in that farce of an appointment process. Shame on the four of you for being such puppets.