Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We received an email from a parent that got a phone call from a board member regarding the enrollment for the 2010-2011 first grade class.

Apparently Superintendent Fredisdorf is going to recommend a fifth section of first grade for the 2010-2011 school year at the July board meeting. Hallelujah!!

While we are happy he is making this recommendation, we are actually quite shocked that he is doing this, as he doesn't like to set precedents. We wonder if this decision will carry through in future years if this class remains large.

We surmise there could be a number of reasons for his decision:
  •  This class has a higher percentage of at risk kids (most likely from the overcrowded kindergarten classes) than in previous years as stated at the June board meeting.
  • There are less kids entering kindergarten resulting in fewer sections so he is able to move a teacher around without disrupting the "specials" schedule much.
  • He doesn't like the opinions on our blog and wanted to prove us wrong.
  • There are some pretty influential parents in this class putting pressure on him.
  • He is finally seeing the benefits of small classes in the primary grades.
  • It is an election year and he wants to make this group of parents happy.
Whatever the reason, we feel this is the right thing for an affluent district such as ours.

Now if only he'd wake up and smell the coffee on the benefits of  a full day kindergarten program...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah - it passed!!!!!