Monday, July 26, 2010

First Grade Update

We missed the July school board meeting last Wednesday night. It was the first meeting we have missed in the last two and a half years.

We contacted board member Mark Mirabile for an update on what transpired with the 2010-2011 first grade enrollment issue. Apparently, board members aren't allowed to discuss what happens at open board meetings with members of the public after the meeting. All information must be filtered through Mark Fredisdorf. Mirabile, who headed up the Communication Committee last year, would not convey any information on what happened at the open meeting and directed us to contact Fredisdorf.

So we emailed Fredisdorf for an update and never heard back from him.

So much for increasing communication in our school district, huh? Actually, we are not surprised. Fredisdorf filters all information in our district. This is exactly why we videotape board meetings. If you're not there to see what transpires, you will get a filtered down version via the board minutes or none at all.

Anyway, a parent was kind enough to contact us to let us know the details of the meeting. We learned that there are currently 93 kids in the first grade class and a fifth section will be added. The classroom will be located adjacent to the library in close proximity to the other first grade classrooms. Preschool teacher Jeanine O'Connor will be moving to first grade and the district is currently seeking a new preschool teacher with experience in special education

This shuffling around of staff leads us to wonder about something...

Fredisdorf stands by the Bright Beginnings preschool program and claims it is the best around. If this program is so stellar, why is he moving an "effective" teacher that has been there for the last 10 years out of the program to teach at another grade level? Hmmm....

Is Fredisdorf is trying to look good on paper? Is he trying to cut costs in this money losing program by hiring a new teacher who will be paid much less? If this is correct, the direct loss for this program will decrease by about $30,000. Hmmm....

Whatever the reasons, we wish Ms. O'Conner and the first grade class the best in the 2010-2011 school year!

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