Tuesday, March 22, 2011

School Board Candidate Forum

Click image to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

I attended the candidate forum and thought everyone did a nice job. I will say that Dr. Fredisdorf, Ms. Pokorny, Mr. Vandecar, and Mrs. Chang should not have been there. It says right on the flyer that it is open to voting members of the school district. Since they do not live in the district they are not voters here. They were only there to intimdate people in audience and to endorse certain people. The PTA should enforce their own policy by not letting them attend.

Anonymous said...

Having children in the school makes it difficult to speak one's mind and ask probing questions when my child's principal is in attendance. Maybe the administrators feel their presence is a way of supporting the district. But I agree, their presence stops me from speaking out or even asking something that may make me stand out as not 100% in agreement with current policies. Every adult tries to be objective, but when a parent speaks out, the principal may be a little more subjective.