Friday, March 11, 2011


For the second Friday packet in a row, (or maybe the third) Mark Fredisdorf will be featuring board members Beth and Lisa on the front page. Seriously, there are SEVEN people on the board, not TWO! Why does he constantly shove just their names in our faces? Is this the only way he can get his puppets re-elected?

We were kind of hoping he would address the $132,000 fine the district got in the Friday packet. Is that too much to ask? Maybe instead of banging their drum about useless little awards, these two board members can explain to the taxpayers how they squandered away our money!


Bob Hope said...

That's exactly what I was thinking.
I wish he would worry more about what goes on in the school than campaigning for the School Board election. I am sure we will see more of this as the election gets closer. Can't wait to see what he has in store for the spring school newsletter. Wait isn't it illegal for the school to campaign for any candidates??

Lone Ranger said...

It's being looked into.

Linda Thorell said...

Beth and Lisa are the two Board members who are on the Communication Committee, which is why they are signing the letters informing the community of the elimination of fees, property tax abatement, etc. The real issue is that this spins the story so community members think the current board is responsible for all of these positive changes. The real story is that Karen O'Halloran is the Board member who first introduced the importance of giving money back to the community AND the important issue of paying off our debt since we have millions in reserve. Karen O'Halloran is to be thanked for bringing both of these issues up for the Board to discuss and act on. Thank you, Karen!

Anonymous said...

This is a mean spirited remark that reflects very poorly on the " anonymous" blogger, who I think is well intentioned. Think about it. Seeking to inform is one thing, name calling is another. Don't use this website as a vehicle to cyberbully.

Bill O'Reilly said... anonymous post about someone who posted "anonymously".

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with Anonymous. When this blog goes negative by name calling and blindly accusing folks without sufficient evidence messages get lost and people stop listening. The complicated world of tax abatement, budgeting, union contracts, retirement, etc. is just that...complicated! When relief is given or taken from one arena, it needs to be replaced by other methods or financial problems arise. In addition, mistakes are made. Let he/she cast the first stone who has never erred and was trying to do the right thing. Mmmm. Self reflection, information and positive corrections, these are better paths to success.

Anonymous said...

Its really a shame and frankly very offensive, that the superintendent doesnt spend 100% of his work time focused on how to work best for and with the teachers and parents that educate our kids. Rather, it seems that there are far too many examples of his ignoring the parents and teachers to further his own agenda.

How can we tolerate a superintendnent "running our school district" when he is a poor example of how we want our children to behave. He clearly believes that he is above rules, policy, the law and consequences.

Unfortunately, it is the very people that the community put in office for this exact reason, that choose to often do nothing to stop or correct the abuse of power.

The reason that they are not paid is so that they cannot be bought by the school district and yet.... how can so many things go unchecked.

Don't take my word for it. After all you don't know me...I'm anonymous just like everybody else who doesnt want to be attacked for speaking their mind. Don't take the word of your friends or family either. Do your own homework so you know who your are voting for and why.... or don't bother voting.

Be a responsible voter and seek out the truth. There is plenty of documentaton on what our current board members have or have not supported. You should be electing them to be the check and balance to the school district. Look for proof in their past actions to see which of them are putting your best interests, first. That is why we elect them, right? Go and vote for who you really beieive will do the job of regulating the school district best.

Remember, do your homework first. Be responsible and know who you are voting for and what they stand for. Voting is a privelege, don't abuse it.