Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Not on the Test

This might explain why middle school principal Pokorny would not let the PTA host cultural arts programs at the middle school this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear mom22,
The recent studies showed that parental involvement is #1 predictor in academic success, but please be aware that means that you should be involved with your child and not with designing the curriculum as you find it fitting. If you have desire to provide education for future generations please become a teacher or administrator. The blog that you so proud of is nothing more than two person rant day in and day out and if you think that you doing great service to community by posting administration and teacher salaries you are sadly mistaken. One person makes the mistake in spelling and you use that as the blog material (so profound).Moreover, I am convinced that whatever you do for living you never made a mistake?!!!(you are perfect). I ask of you please to do one thing right, be a parent more than anything else. Instead of criticizing every move of administration model something that will make your child great contributor to this nation - STOP complaining about little irrelevant things. The life that we have on this planet is way too short to be guided by emotions such as anger or hate. Just for one second think about it, would you rather spend hours on internet by searching for song to make your point or would you rather spend that energy and time with your child? Answer to this question only you will know, but I hope that your choice is option #2.