Friday, May 25, 2012

Calling Dr. Wick, calling Dr. Wick.... Please send the middle school administration an error analysis and tutorial to practice with over the summer.

Proofreading and spelling must not be important since they aren't on the ITBS test.

Not sure if this is better or worse than FARWELL!


Fred said...

Maybe we should have bought some new desktop computers with spell-check on them???

Kathy said...

What a shame! This is a learning institution and I would expect better than this. Whatever happened to taking pride in your work? What message does this send to our children? Sloppy, sloppy! I know the message that I get... someone is "asleep" at the wheel and not proofreading their work! Maybe one of the Language Arts teachers should proofread for the Administration!

Anonymous said...

This morning at the volunteer breakfast the fourth grade had the word spelled correctly however on the yellow handout it was spelled wrong!!! Nice job!