Thursday, September 29, 2011

School Board Member Essig Resigns!

"The near-impossibility of true educational reform has been documented in a number of studies ... Now that I'm off the board and able to think more calmly, it is even clearer to me that the system can't be rehabilitated, only replaced."
-- Howard Good, "Losing It, The Confessions of an Ex-School Board President"

Interested parties should click on the link below for more information.


Anonymous said...

Since Mr. Gilman had the next highest votes in the last election, shouldn't he be installed if he applies?

Anonymous said...

That would be the logical way to fill the position but we all know that will never happen. I am sure the school board (Fredisdorf) already has hand picked the new member. We all know it will be someone that does exactly what the dictator (I mean board) wants them to do. It will be interesting to see who applies and who is actually picked.

Admin. said...

As of Friday, Mr. Gilman has not applied, but it would seem logical if he does.

So far three candidates have applied, one being former board member Rick Rigley. We firmly believe this was at the urging of a certain superintendent.

The voters voted Rigley OUT of office. That, in and of itself, should speak volumes. But will it?

For the record, there are at least two independent thinkers on the Board of Ed. that do not just go with the flow.

Anonymous said...

If they put Rigley back on the board, I will literally puke and then call Lisa Madigan's office and try to get someone there to get it!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that they pick someone that will have a voice and not just go with the flow. I would feel like our rights to choose would be taken from us by assigning Mr.Rigley to the board. AS one has said we did vote him out, we want someone new not just the same old go along with the flow fellow!! Good luck to whoever they choose and if they are not up to our standards we will show them come election time how we feel!

Amy said...

Our school board doesn't care what the tax payers want as I heard they put Rick Rigley right back on the board. I believe everyone should write letters and email the board to let them know we will not stand for this!!Its time to stand up for our rights as parents and tax payers.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more Amy. It makes me sick. We need to get people to run and start campaigning now.