Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Predictions About the Standards Based Program

As you all know, this is an election year. During election season, this blog likes to make predictions. Here is our newest prediction:

The school will put a halt to the Standards Based Assessment program until AFTER the election. Once the election is over, the school will get this program back on track. This will most likely take place in the summer when no one is paying attention.

Our district has spent far too much money and way too many hours on this program so far to let it go by the wayside. Every single meeting has been devoted to writing assessments. Consultants have been hired, materials have been purchased, committees have convened. This program will move forward...just not right now. Once the same old board is re-seated, this train will get back on the track.

We don't have an issue with this program. It is actually beginning to grow on us.

Unfortunately, parents are frustrated with the lack information and communication between the parties involved since this program began. Another frustration is lack of consistency and uniformity among grade levels, buildings, administration and staff in regard to the program. Parents hear one thing at the elementary school meeting and a different thing at the middle school meeting. Parents are told about the process of the program but an entirely different thing is done. For example, parents were told that re-takes would be optional. At the elementary school, they are not optional, but mandatory if a child gets any grade less than an A. Parents were also told that kids could do a puzzle, sing a song or tell a story to show that they know a concept. But is that option available to kids? We haven't see it yet.

How can the parents and kids know what is expected in this program if the staff themselves don't know?

Watch and wait until after the election to see if our prediction is correct.

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