Thursday, September 16, 2010

Practice Makes PERFECT!

Over the last two weeks, our kids have been inundated with preparations for the upcoming ITBS tests. Weekly newsletters and notes have been going home in children's folders encouraging parents to have their kids partake in online tutorials on how to take these tests and score well. Students are told to "Put an 'X' next to each error category you COMMIT to reducing error by AT LEAST 50% before the fall 2010 testing." Then they must sign this promise: "I COMMIT to reducing errors by at least 50% on the error categories I checked above. I will seek help as needed before fall 2010 testing."

Is that what school is really all about? Scoring well on unnecessary tests? What happened to learning? What happened to Pleasantdale's motto to, "Ensure that each student is a passionate learner?" Maybe it ought to be changed to, "Ensure that each student is a good test taker!"

Not only have our kids been inundated, but so have teachers. They receive memo after memo similar to this: "Classroom teachers in grades 3-8 should have received ITBS materials prepared by The Almighty Wick. The materials identify common errors made by students and tutorials that are available to rectify the errors. Students in grades 4-8 have a (PIG) personal improvement guide. The PIG tells each student errors they commonly make and recommends tutorials to take at The Almighty Wick's website. Classroom time should be set aside for the students to use the tutorials. In addition, they should be encouraged to use the tutorials at home prior to testing."


Not only are kids losing almost a week of learning due to testing, they are losing additional learning time to PRACTICE for these tests!

Doesn't all this practicing skews the results? How can kids not score well when all they do is practice, practicePRACTICE!

If the ITBS is a true measure of what our kids know, why do they need so much practice? Take a look at an analogy. Let's say you know the route to school. Does it make sense to pull out maps and review the route every time you drive your kids to school? No, because you already know how to get there! If our curriculum is strong enough and our kids are smart enough, why do they need to take tutorials and read personal improvement guides on how to score better on tests?

Continuously polishing kids so they can spew out answers to questions that may not even be based on what they've learned is nuts! It borders on child abuse actually. These are kids for cripe sake, not robots!

Why does Pleasantdale spend so much time on test preparation and practice, practice, practice? Well, you know as well as we do - it's so that Dr. Fredisdorf and his Board of Puppets can jump up and down and shout, "We are Number ONE!!"

But, are they really?


Anonymous said...

Schools like this make me sick!!! They are in it for the administration and not for the kids! Shame on the administration, and shame on the teachers and parents who buy into this. Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Ok, seriously, what it's all about is the same thing going on throughout the state and the country due to the standards put in place by previous administrations. Pleasantdale's motto is a good one that I think the school strives for. THe testing is required - did you actually read any of the tutorials and realize that the majority of mistakes made on the tests are not because the kids don't know what they're doing but because they make easy mistakes. THe materials are there to help them not continue to make the same mistakes. They'll be taking these tests throughout their educational lives - long past Pleasantdale. SO you need to get over it! Teaching them how to take tests is good practice for later years when all of you helicopter parents aren't there to whine to the administration constantly. What will your children do when they actually have to do something for themselves? My child will be ready - how about yours????

Donna said...

Ever wonder why we are the ONLY school in this area (schools that feed into Lyons Township High School) that takes the Iowas Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)? Why aren't we doing what the neighboring schools are doing? Instead of ranking us against kids from the cornfields and projects, rank us against our neighbors!

Admin. said...

Pleasantdale does not value education. They value testing.

ITBS testing is not required. The only test required by the state is the ISAT. Pleasantdale goes above and beyond the state and federal requirements for testing.

I did read the tutorials. If our children are given a good education they will not need tutorials. Mistakes happen everywhere. They are what shape us and teach us to become better individuals.

You are wrong when you state they will be taking tests throughout their educational lives long past Pleasantdale. Have you looked at Over 815 four-year colleges and universities across the U.S., acting on the belief that "test scores do not equal merit," do not use the SAT or ACT to make admissions decisions about a substantial number of their incoming freshmen classes.

Obviously, you advocate for excessive testing as opposed to classroom instruction. It's people like you that help explain why kids get a crappy education. Measurement does not equal instruction/learning, it takes away from it.

Apparently you must be part of the administration if you know so much about what goes on with parents that have valid concerns.

Let's hope your children don't follow in your educational footsteps, or they will be woefully unprepared for life.