Thursday, January 14, 2010

Common Courtesy - A Thing of the Past at Pleasant Dale Park District

1 an act of kind assistance 2 an act or utterance that is a customary show of good manners
3 speech or behavior that is a sign of good breeding 4 consideration, cooperation, and generosity in providing something 

Obviously, by the definition above, common courtesy has gone out that window by the park board and certain staff members at the Pleasant Dale Park District.

Tonight's meeting started on time. It may have been a record. Present were Attorney Joe Cainkar, Park Director Katherine Parker, a Recording Secretary, commissioners Colleen Pettrone and Wade Brewer and board president Brad Martin.

Commissioners Carol McMurray and Ernie Moon were not present because they cannot make meetings on Wednesday evenings. This was told to Brad Martin at the December meeting but he changed the meeting days to Wednesdays anyways, despite the fact that two out of five commissioners cannot be present. Common courtesy would be to work together as a team. Now it will be even easier for the three musketeers to have complete control over decisions and finances without interference or questioning from the other commissioners. Heads up folks - they are doing this in an effort to kick McMurray and Moon off the board. Watch and see what happens. 

When Brad Martin was asked at his January 9th coffee what the board's policy was in regard to returning phone calls and emails. Martin said he didn't know because he hadn't memorized the board policies. It's not  rocket science, Mr. Martin, it's called COMMON COURTESY! He was also asked if he knew in advance that Ernie and Carol would not be able to make Wednesday meetings when he changed the date, he answered with his typical deer in the headlights look and stunned silence. No need to talk Brad; your demeanor says it all. 

If the timeliness of the meeting wasn't a record, the length sure was. Seven minutes. Yup, you read that correctly. It lasted SEVEN minutes. There were so many wonderful things to talk about in the 'end of the year wrap up,' that the entire meeting only took SEVEN MINUTES! Oddly, when Katherine Parker gave her end of the year report tonight she didn't mention the three (or was it four?) grants the park received that Brad Martin spoke of at his January 9th coffee. Hmmm, what happened to the grants? Parker also noted that two developers contacted her and want to convey land to the park district but the park district cannot afford to maintain it. She said, "if the land associations would agree to do the upkeep like mowing and the upkeep" then she would like to pursue it. Again, what happened to the grants?

Another thing worth mentioning is if the park is in the dire straits that Brad Martin spoke of at the July 14th meeting, why in the world do they pay for an attorney to come out to the meeting for SEVEN minutes?? Do they even need him there?? Oh and by the way, we challenge anyone to come up with a copy of the speech Brad Martin gave on the park's financial situation in July. It has been requested by several different people but not one person has received it. Hmmm, wonder why? Apparently it is currently being requested through the Freedom of Information Act. It's sad that it comes down to a FOIA request to get a copy of his speech. Why won't he just provide one? Wouldn't it be common courtesy??

For the umpteenth time, audience members could not hear the meeting because once again the blower was on and Brad Martin mumbled. Even Wade Brewer admitted that it was hard to hear Brad and he was sitting just two seats over from him. It was almost comical to watch the recording secretary crane her neck in Martin's direction so that she could take notes. Why does he look down and mumble when he talks? Why won't he look at the audience and speak loudly and clearly? It would be a common courtesy!

Common courtesy would have been to introduce the new superintendent of parks, Paul Caskey to the audience. After all, aren't we the ones paying his salary?

At the end of the meeting, when several people said they couldn't hear, newly hired park superintendent Paul Caskey said we were being rude and that we came to the meeting with a "negative vibe." If telling the board president for the millionth time that we can't hear creates a "negative vibe," then tell him to SPEAK UP or bring back the microphone system so he won't have to. Incidently, the microphone system is only brought out when Ernie Moon is present. Moon understands that the meetings are frequented by a lot of senior citizens who have a hard time hearing. It is common courtesy to speak in a manner so that those who gave up their evening to come to an OPEN MEETING can hear! So excuse usMr. Caskey, but show some common courtesy to the residents of this district and try to understand why everyone around here is so frustrated.

Not one person in the audience heard Martin announce open forum to give the residents a chance to speak. Not one person. At the end of the meeting, when it was thought that Martin skipped open forum because no one heard him announce it, it was suggested they have it right then. Parker said no because the meeting was now in executive session. Wouldn't it be common courtesy to listen to the constituents that gave up their time to come to the meeting. No wonder the meeting only lasted seven minutes!

According to the Open Meetings Act, anyone can record an open meeting. Tonight we brought a video camera to the meeting to tape it. The reason we brought it was because at the December meeting there was some discrepancy over whether a vote had taken place or not. Our meeting notes and what Martin says transpired that night are completely different. This is not the first time. We've also noticed in the past, that several of their meeting minutes are inaccurate. This was brought to Parker's attention however nothing was done about it. Maybe that is what Caskey meant by a "negative vibe." Maybe he didn't like seeing a video camera recording the meeting so that this community can have an accurate account of what is REALLY going on. Maybe he's just not into common courtesy either.

For a copy of tonight's meeting on DVD, please contact us and we'd be happy to help you. After all, it's only common courtesy!


Anonymous said...

Not surprised by the class of the pleasant dale park district board. Not surprised one bit. Seems like they added another ignorant member to the "clan". Mr. Caskey should learn the ropes before he opens his mouth. Looks like it will be a wonderful 2010 at the pleasant dale park district.

Robert Johnson said...

I've been looking at the minutes on line. Why are there so many special meetings and executive sessions? The special meetings are always at times that are inconvenient to the public. What are they hiding?

Anonymous said...

"Within months of taking office, this man engaged in a bold and brazen scheme to defraud. It is a repulsive example of public corruption," Alvarez said. "In this case, we have an elected official who is supposed to be working for the taxpayers of Cook County, who apparently had the absurd notion that the taxpayers were working for him."

Sounds a lot like our park district...

Kristin said...

I brought up the fact that the meeting held on January 13 was a violation of the Open Meetings Act but have yet to receive a response from either Brad Martin or Katherine Parker. This was provided to them on Saturday, January 9th, ample time to read the law and change the meeting. As far as Mr. Caskey is concerned, I think he should have done some investigating before accepting the job. If he did, yet still took the job I think that speaks volumes as to where his priorities or alliances stand. Can someone please tell me if anyone new from the public was there? Probably few if none. The reason, Mr. Caskey, that there is a negative vibe, is because things are not changing and we just happen to be the people attending the meetings who refuse to sit at home while our tax dollars are being wasted. I think it is very pompous of a newly hired Superintendent to make these assumptions. So much for working with the public. True recreation professionals and I stress the word professionals try to work with the community instead of making accusations at their first Board Meeting.

As far as people from the public are concerned I only have this to say - WAKE UP - signing up for programs at the park and participating in volleyball programs at a facility that was renovated based on questionable practices is only reinforcing the behavior of these so called public officials.

To the Board and Park Staff - I would not get too comfy in your seats, never know when the tides will turn. We are a small, but mighty group!

Anonymous said...

Let's sum up the year since the change of board in May 2009.

Rosalyn Wendt-Epting-FIRED
Tom Ludwig-POSITION ELIMINATED (yet we have a new Athletic Supervisor?)


I wonder how much all of these people are going to cost us as tax payers in this community.

Hopefully some of you will spread the word on the staffing at OUR park district! It makes me want to move because I am so disgusted with this district!

There are more changes to come. Stay posted for great new information on the horizon.

Anonymous said...

I challenge everyone in the community to share information reported in this blog to at least five people who live in the Pleasant dale area. We need people to speak up and ask questions or more damage to the park is going to be done. What they are doing over there is not right! It is so disheartening to hear that there is no money to maintain new parks donated by developers yet there is enough money to renovate a dilapidated building.

fed up said...

I see the September 8 meeting minutes were finally approved. Something kind of funny - wasn't that meeting on the 8th about 4 hours long? How in the hell can you have 2 pages of minutes for a 4 hour meeting especially when so much was discussed about the ever important chalet renovations? Oh and surprise look at when and who approved these minutes. MMMM....the minutes were approved in January and the Three Stooges were the only ones at the meeting. The old note taker/park publicist/night manager/Katherine Parker buddy had the tape rolling that night - I wonder where those tapes are?

Anonymous said...

Did I read that right? The old Chalet manager was FIRED after she came back on maternity leave?!?! You've got to be kidding me!! This wonderful park of ours is going to hell in a hand basket!! Voice up people of our community! Boycott pdpd programs. These people are corrupt and are running our park into the ground! What's next here? Everything is a joke! Great set of idiots they have there running that place.