Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Swine flu precaution comes with hefty price tag for local family at Pleasantdale School

Swine flu precaution comes with hefty price tag for local family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were this Mother, I would file a lawsuit against the district superintendent, Mark Fredisdorf specifically, and the school board for harassment and discrimination. What right does he have to dispute a medical doctor's opinion. I would also ask for the removal of the district superintendent and the school board president. The mother did as they requested and proved to all involved that her daughter did not have the A-H1N1 flu virus. The test was not cheap and I feel that the school board owes her the money. They should be given a time frame for re-imbursement, if payment is not received then she should seek legal counsel. I bet once the media (Pam Zeckman) gets a hold of this, the school district will change their minds. What ARRONGANT MORONS! They are opening themselves up for a huge lawsuit.
Signed, a concerned tax payer